Geotechnical Services & East West Enviroag are now GSG Laboratories - Read More

Call us today

GSG Laboratories Head Office

1300 295 835

Brisbane Head Office.
23 Chapman Place
Eagle Farm QLD 4009

  • Monday – Friday8:00am – 5:00pm

Do you have a remote project?

Whether it is a small or large-scale project or periodic remote field testing, GSG Laboratories has the ability and capacity to provide remote testing and annex (onsite) laboratory facilities to suit client requirements across Australia. Contact our team to discuss your remote project requirements.

Located in the bustling commercial district of Eagle Farm, our head office is the central hub of our administrative group, assisting in the efficiency and streamlining of our operations. While each of our regional laboratories have their own local Administrators and Managers, our Brisbane location allows our head administrative and functional staff to effectively support our laboratory facilities across Queensland. From this base, we oversee a wide range of activities, including administrative support, financial operations, IT operations, business development and human resources. Our head office is a modern and fully equipped facility which is ideal for hosting client meetings and being a sample reception point for our Brisbane based clients and drilling operations.

GSG Laboratories Head Office

Our Services

Soil Testing

Ground conditions and soil composition are crucial to planning, designing, and building with accuracy.

Site Classification Services
Site Classification

We can service large housing and commercial developments as well as single individual housing lots.


Geotechnical drilling and sampling, utilising our purpose-built drill rigs located throughout Queensland

Contact our Head Office in Brisbane

To contact our Brisbane Office, please complete the form below.
Alternatively, please call 1300 295 835

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